
“Heroes” CD Release Show Planned

Big News! Mark your calendar, send the Pony Express, write your Congressman (well, maybe not that one), send up Smoke Signals! The official release show for "Heroes," my newest album will take place Sunday October 2nd on the plaza outside The Wine Room at Afton Village in Concord. The show kicks off at 3:00 with a performance by one of Concord's finest bands, Maurice Brines & MosArt. Following their set will be Charlotte's popular...

Festival Season is upon us!

As I posted on my Facebook page, Fall is Festival Season and I will be playing in various formats in several of them in September and October. Three will be 2 solo shows, two with Mike Alicke & Erin Hayesoweth and one with Last Chance Bruce. Hope to see you there! Oh yeah, and now I have my new Album for sale. Come see me and get your copy! Here's the list. Sept. 17 - Lincoln County Apple Festival Sept. 25 - Carrboro Music Festival Oct. 7 -...

Mitch Hayes & Last Chance, Bruce! to play the 2016 Carrboro Music Festival

  We will be performing at 4:00pm on Sunday Sept. 25th, in the Arts Center, West End Theater, Carrboro. What an honor to be invited to perform at this year's festival! There were many more artists/bands who applied than there were slots available. This is a big step forward for Mitch Hayes Music. I would love to see lots of friends and fans there, in support. Thank you, in advance.

Haven’t checked in, in a while.

Lots of good things happening with the music, these days. I'm staying busy with solo, duo, trio shows. I'm awaiting the arrival of my new CD, "Heroes," so I can start getting it out there for folks to listen to it. I'm going out to the great music city of Austin Texas to play some shows with my good friend, Megan Flechaus. I'm in the planning stages for like trips to Nashville and NYC.  I'm planning an Album Release Show, for "Heroes in the...

CD’s have been ordered!

YAY!!!!! Songs and artwork uploaded, CD's ordered, should be here and ready to sell when I return from Austin. I'm looking forward to sharing the new music with all my fans! Click on the link below to view a 3D presentation of the CD Jacket and Disc;  

We’re in the Home Stretch

By this evening, the new CD, "Heroes"  will be mixed, mastered and burned onto a demo disc for me to bring home, listen to it and pick it apart for any last minute changes. I suspect those will be minimal, if any at all.  Then tomorrow morning, we will be uploading the project to Discmakers for production. I just did a listen through to the unmastered mix and I'm so excited! The artwork looks fantastic, thank you Gigi Dover. The record is...

Music is a Heart Thing

A friend recently asked me how I like being paid to play music for a living. After some thought I responded, "I don't get paid to play music, I do that for free. I get paid to haul all my equipment around." I love what I do. I love seeing the look of enjoyment in people's eyes when I play a song or tell a story. I love watching a little child dance with complete abandon, or a couple dancing close together during a slow love song. I love it when...

Tiny Stage Concerts Presents:

New Video! Tiny Stage Concerts with my talented daughter, Erin Hayes. You can check it out on my home page and in my video archives. Thank you Louis Beeler for doing this for us! Go to Tiny Stage Concerts on Facebook and Youtube to check out some of the many talented songwriters in the Charlotte area.